서비스 체인 child_bridge_account / parent_bridge_account 복구 방법 문의


서비스 체인 구성 후, baobab 과 bridge 연결하여 value transfer 테스트하고 있습니다.

트랜잭션 테스트와 함께,
bridge 로 구성한 SCN1 서버가 장애상황일 때를 대비하여,
SCN1 에 있는 child_bridge_account / parent_bridge_account 를 SCN2 로 복사하여
복구하는 테스트도 병행중인데,
SCN2 로 복사하여 복구시 child_bridge_account / parent_bridge_account unlock 프로세싱에서 에러가 발생하고 있습니다. 확인 부탁드려도 될까요?
(참고로, keystore 파일과 password 파일은 정상임을 확인하였습니다.)

=== SCN1 : 정상적으로 unlock ===

INFO[03/02,14:51:57 +09] [45] bridge account is loaded                  parent=0x5936BD394be4754e...c1DB1E3A4813E child=0x958D9B607f8...88d9E26b2f

=== SCN2 : unlock 에러 ===

INFO[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [45] Initialising Klaytn-Bridge protocol       network=1
INFO[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [45] Loaded local transaction journal          transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [45] Regenerated local transaction journal     transactions=0 accounts=0
DEBUG[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [2] FS scan times                             list=25.143µs set=3.921µs diff=6.109µs
DEBUG[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [2] Failed to decode keystore key             path=/var/kscnd/data/parent_bridge_account/0x5936BD394be4754e465d3e68E49c1DB1E3A4813E err="invalid character 'V' looking for beginning of value"
TRACE[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [2] Handled keystore changes                  time=66.724µs
TRACE[03/02,17:00:36 +09] [2] Started watching keystore folder          path=/var/kscnd/data/parent_bridge_account
WARN[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] bridge account wallet unlock is failed by exist password file.  address=0x5936BD394be4754e465d3e68E49c1DB1E3A4813E err="could not decrypt key with given passphrase"
WARN[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] parent_bridge_account is locked. Please unlock the account manually for Service Chain
TRACE[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [2] Started watching keystore folder          path=/var/kscnd/data/child_bridge_account
DEBUG[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [2] FS scan times                             list=54.498µs set=5.739µs diff=5.677µs
DEBUG[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [2] Failed to decode keystore key             path=/var/kscnd/data/child_bridge_account/0x958D9B607f82Ff60A6578219579a5A88d9E26b2f  err="json: cannot unmarshal number into Go value of type struct { Address string \"json:\\\"address\\\"\" }"
TRACE[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [2] Handled keystore changes                  time=113.999µs
WARN[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] bridge account wallet unlock is failed by exist password file.  address=0x958D9B607f82Ff60A6578219579a5A88d9E26b2f err="could not decrypt key with given passphrase"
WARN[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] child_bridge_account is locked. Please unlock the account manually for Service Chain
INFO[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] bridge account is loaded                  parent=0x5936BD394be4754e465d3e68E49c1DB1E3A4813E child=0x958D9B607f82Ff60A6578219579a5A88d9E26b2f
INFO[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] Load Bridge Address from JournalFiles     path=/var/kscnd/data/bridge_addrs.rlp
INFO[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] Loaded local bridge journal               addrs=0 dropped=0
INFO[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [45] Regenerated local addr journal            addrs=0 accounts=0
INFO[03/02,17:00:37 +09] [40] Starting P2P networking

다른 노드에서 동일한 테스트하니 정상적으로 동작하네요. ㅠ.ㅠ
unlock 프로세스에서 발생하는 에러만 시간나실 때 확인해주시면 좋겠습니다.
(위 에러와 상관없이 정상적으로 unlock 되어 프로세싱 됨)