Invalid gas tip cap. It must be set to the same value as gas unit price ¿?

I am trying to deploy an smart contract on Baobab network from inject web3 → and Metamask but tis return the next error:

creation of Contract errored: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{"value":{"code":-32603,"data":{"code":-32000,"message":"Invalid gas tip cap. It must be set to the same value as gas unit price."}}}'

Any idea how to solve it?

1개의 좋아요

Hey, are you fix this problem?

I have same problem :frowning:

Hi, you need to set the gasTipCap to 250 ston (10^9).
This constraint will be disabled after Magma hard fork.

I’m wondering If you are using injected web3 provider like metamask.
If so, you can use advanced gas control menu.