Paid Plan for API

Hi, I plan to use the paid plan for Klaytn API Service

I used the klaytn caver sdk for Android
Unfortunately, during testing I keep hitting IP Limit Exceeded or API Usage Limit
Therefore I need the paid plan

But looks like there are multiple plans being sell, like API, Wallet, Anchor, Enterprise
I guess the one I need is the API plan to resolve my IP and API limit problem
(Correct me if I’m wrong please)

But inside the API tab there are another multiple offer
Please give me one sample explanation for what is the differences between Starter Plan and Start Unlimited Plan ? Both has same cost, but it did not really explains the differences. Or is there references I could see myself, which explain the detail for IP and API limit ?

Hi, Lyncheese.

I think it would be better to use KAS Help Center.
Here is the link for you.

Have a nice day.