초보! 이건 어디다 너어야대요?

AGAToken: {
tokenAddress: “0x1f6f697977e14e3876e34105ed8ccc08ab8118c1”,
tokenSymbol: “AGA”,
tokenDecimals: 10,
tokenImage: ‘https://wiki.dcinside.com/images/1/1f/AGA.png’,

const { tokenAddress, tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals, tokenImage } = App.AGAToken;

    method: 'wallet_watchAsset',
    params: {
      type: 'ERC20', // Initially only supports ERC20, but eventually more!
      options: {
        address: tokenAddress, // The address that the token is at.
        symbol: tokenSymbol, // A ticker symbol or shorthand, up to 5 chars.
        decimals: tokenDecimals, // The number of decimals in the token
        image: tokenImage // A string url of the token logo
    id: Math.round(Math.random() * 100000)*/
  (err, result) => {
    if (result.result) {
      console.log('Thanks for your interest!')
    } else {
      console.log('Your loss!')



무엇을 어디에 넣고 싶으신건지 조금 더 구체적으로 말씀해주실 수 있으실까요?

겪고 계신 문제가 무엇인지 조금 더 자세히 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다 :slight_smile:

1개의 좋아요

AGAToken: {
tokenAddress: “0x1f6f697977e14e3876e34105ed8ccc08ab8118c1”,
tokenSymbol: “AGA”,
tokenDecimals: 10,
tokenImage: ‘https://wiki.dcinside.com/images/1/1f/AGA.png ’,

const { tokenAddress, tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals, tokenImage } = App.AGAToken;

    method: 'wallet_watchAsset',
    params: {
      type: 'ERC20', // Initially only supports ERC20, but eventually more!
      options: {
        address: tokenAddress, // The address that the token is at.
        symbol: tokenSymbol, // A ticker symbol or shorthand, up to 5 chars.
        decimals: tokenDecimals, // The number of decimals in the token
        image: tokenImage // A string url of the token logo
    id: Math.round(Math.random() * 100000)*/
  (err, result) => {
    if (result.result) {
      console.log('Thanks for your interest!')
    } else {
      console.log('Your loss!')


심볼 이미지땜애

이걸 추가하고시픈대요,

코드를 어디다 넣어야 할가요 @.@,