API Limit Keep Increasing by Itself

Hi !
I recently register for KAS free plan to test my app integration with KAS.
Since it is under development the app are still not uploaded to public.
And only I used the KAS service.

Weirdly, during testing I got “Too many requests” error.
So, I stopped developing during that day and wait for tomorrow daily limit to be refreshed.

After daily limit refreshed, I checked it from Dashboard and my app can work like normal again.
I tried only like one or two times and doing coding for the rest of the day.
Token History API called 14 times and Wallet API called 11 times at that time.

But by the end of the day, where the app is no used and I just doing coding of the other part.
The dashboard shows Token History API called 416 times and Wallet API called 15 times.

It is keep increasing by itself, I know because I watched it during midday.

What is the reason of this ?

Nice info thanks for sharing

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