Can I sign messages with ~Caver 1.4.1?

  • Product name: caver-js
  • Product Version: 1.4.1

I’m trying to build an app that uses Klaytn & Kaikas, and would like to have the user sign messages (IE: any data they want) with their private key for verification off-chain. See javascript - eth.sign vs eth.accounts.sign create different sign - Stack Overflow for how it works with eth

In later versions of caver-js, a wallet object has been introduced which may allow signing of arbitrary messages, but that doesn’t exist in the previous versions.

Is it possible to sign arbitrary data with Kaikas & caver-js ~1.4.1 without having the user expose their private key?

Hi, If what you are looking for is how to use the latest version of caver-js with Kaikas, please check link below.

Briefly, you can simpy use ‘klaytn’ instance as provider to initiate new Caver instance.

I hope this can answer your question.
Thank you,

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