갑작스러운 동기화 중단 후 en 에서 부트노드에 연결이 안됩니다

오늘 아침 7시 20분 경 기존 사용중이던 EN 노드에서 블록 동기화가 중단되었습니다
(특별한 로그는 없었습니다)

이후 부트노드를 찾지 못해서 계속 블록 동기화가 안되고 있습니다
혹시 몰라서 /var/kend/data 를 삭제 후 fast sync 데이터로 교체하였으나
계속 동일한 증상을 겪고 있습니다
verbosity 를 5로 변경하여 로그를 찍어보니 아래 로그가 계속 반복되고 있습니다

TRACE[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] doRefresh()                               Discover=Table
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=6ce6d38c174b49e5 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=6d216d132c590a11 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=458d17c8de699303 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=1b3cdfb088ecc44e targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:35 +09] [33] discoverTask sleep                        period=3.999372663s
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] discoverTask wakeup
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] lookup                                    Discover=Simple   StorageName=PN targetId=0000000000000000 targetType=PN
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=2
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] discoverTypedStaticTask                   result=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] [Dial] discoverTypedStaticTask - done     t.name=PN result count=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=13c64696d61a192b targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=true
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] doRefresh()                               Discover=Table
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] [Dial] Add new discoverTypedStaticTask    name=PN
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=6ce6d38c174b49e5 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=bd6ab17ddbbdf9d9 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=5eb0ad1342f5f1f1 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=32883b8cf7ca41b1 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:39 +09] [33] discoverTask sleep                        period=3.999425266s
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] lookup                                    Discover=Simple   StorageName=PN targetId=0000000000000000 targetType=PN
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=2
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] discoverTypedStaticTask                   result=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] discoverTask wakeup
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=5fb20570acc19576 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=true
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] doRefresh()                               Discover=Table
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] [Dial] discoverTypedStaticTask - done     t.name=PN result count=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] [Dial] Add new discoverTypedStaticTask    name=PN
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=6ce6d38c174b49e5 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=af5ec25ff1d50ed1 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=9b77bbe34fef2068 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=16821fb03f0cd7dd targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:43 +09] [33] discoverTask sleep                        period=3.999401927s
TRACE[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [33] discoverTask wakeup
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=942f7421905212c4 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=true
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [34] lookup                                    Discover=Simple   StorageName=PN targetId=0000000000000000 targetType=PN
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=2
TRACE[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [33] discoverTypedStaticTask                   result=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:47 +09] [33] [Dial] discoverTypedStaticTask - done     t.name=PN result count=0
1b3f26e28decba targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=526ce2f4c4cf7620 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] [Dial] Add new discoverTypedStaticTask    name=PN
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] discoverTask sleep                        period=3.999467868s
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] discoverTask wakeup
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=58e8cd49b4dfddaf targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=true
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup                                    Discover=Simple   StorageName=PN targetId=0000000000000000 targetType=PN
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=2
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] discoverTypedStaticTask                   result=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
1b3f26e28decba targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=52
6ce2f4c4cf7620 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] [Dial] Add new discoverTypedStaticTask    name=PN
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:51 +09] [33] discoverTask sleep                        period=3.999467868s
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] discoverTask wakeup
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=58
e8cd49b4dfddaf targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=true
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup                                    Discover=Simple   StorageName=PN targetId=00
00000000000000 targetType=PN
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=2
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] discoverTypedStaticTask                   result=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] [Dial] discoverTypedStaticTask - done     t.name=PN result count=0
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] [Dial] Add new discoverTypedStaticTask    name=PN
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discover TypedStaticTask: max: 2"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] doRefresh()                               Discover=Table
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=6c
e6d38c174b49e5 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=91
abaf3dd4419dd8 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=0c
de6684859c1569 targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] lookup start                              Discover=Kademlia StorageName=EN targetID=97
676fa49e465c9d targetNodeType=EN refreshIfEmpty=false
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
DEBUG[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [34] findNewNode: found nodes                  Discover=Table    length=0 nodeType=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [40] Dial task done                            task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] [Dial] Dynamic Dials Remained Capacity    needDynDials=3 maxDynDials=3
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [40] New dial task                             task="discovery lookup"
TRACE[07/13,15:43:55 +09] [33] discoverTask sleep                        period=3.99933599s```

사용하시는 네트워크가 Baobab/Cypress 중 어떤 것인지 알 수 있을까요?

@Aidan 반갑습니다
cypress 입니다

방화벽 등에서 32323, 32324 포트를 막거나 하는 변경은 없으셨던거죠?

저희쪽에서 이슈가 재현되지 않아 당장 원인을 파악하는데는 시간이 조금 걸릴거 같네요.
우선은 직면한 이슈를 해결하기 위해 아래 명령어를 통해 static 하게 PN과 연결하는 방안을 권장드립니다.

// statically connect to a PN

// statically connect to another PN 

네 방화벽 등 설정은 변경하지 않았습니다
addPeer 이후에는 잘 syncing 하고 있네요

1개의 좋아요